Whole Foods: Why Are They Important?

What is Whole Food?

Whole food is food that is as unprocessed as possible. Things like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains that are lightly processed all fit the bill

You are looking for three key clues:

  • processed as little as possible

  • free of chemicals and additives

  • rich in nutrients.

It’s not always possible to eat whole foods, but you should have as many of them in your diet as possible. Moderation is key when it comes to processed foods.

Why Should You Eat Whole Foods?

Processed foods are for sure convenient, but they also can affect your health if you are not careful. Basing your diet on whole foods could be the most important thing you do to maintain a healthy body. Here are some reasons that whole foods are important to your diet.

  • Loaded with nutrients that your body needs: unprocessed meats and vegetables can provide vitamins and minerals that are important to your health.

  • Low in Sugar: there is research that suggests that sugar can increase your risk of obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and heart disease,

  • Heart Healthy: the antioxidants and nutrients that are found in whole foods can help reduce inflammation and support the health of your heart.

  • Fiber: great for digestion and overall gut health. You can get your daily fiber from a supplement, but getting it from your food has the added benefit of the other nutrients that are in the food, and also it helps you feel full longer.

  • Great for healthy skin: some whole foods can protect against sun damage, and others provide the nutrients you need to keep your skin nourished.

  • Good for your gut: eating whole foods can enhance your microbiome (meaning the good bacteria found in your digestive system.)

  • Can reduce sugar cravings: once you have established your healthy eating habits, your cravings for processed sweets can be reduced.

  • Gets your focus away from fad diets and food trends: it can be tempting to jump into the latest food fad when you see people getting results, but if you eat whole foods you never have to worry about that. Your diet is already healthy.

In Conclusion

The food you eat is only one part of healthy lifestyle, but it is a good place to start. You’ll also want to focus on your exercise plan and lowering your stress levels, but there is no doubt that healthy eating is the first step to living your best, healthiest life.


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